Network teams with Rebuilding Together to serve Wellston

A ribbon-cutting ceremony in Wellston last week marked both an anniversary and the start of a new partnership that will help Wellston homeowners.
Rebuilding Together St. Louis (RTSTL), which provides home modifications and repairs for older adults, veterans and people with disabilities, was commemorating 30 years of making a difference in St. Louis. It was also celebrating the beginning of a relationship with the Community Impact Network. The Network will provide funding to help RTSTL assist even more people in Wellston.
Jeff McPherson, president of the board of RTSTL, said the partnership between the two organizations makes perfect sense, and will be a boon for Wellston residents.
“We’re hopeful it will lead to a long and fruitful relationship, beneficial to both organizations but mostly beneficial to the folks in this area,” McPherson said. “We’ve been working in this area a really long time and we know the Community Impact Network does a lot of work here, so we’re happy to be able to work together in an effort to do the best we can for the folks in our communities.”
Community Impact Network CEO Winston Calvert agreed, saying the Network is looking forward to continuing to help families in Wellston and throughout the 24:1.
The new program will include RTSTL performing repairs focused on health, safety and independence for older adult homeowners in Wellston. The Network will work with RTSTL to identify these homeowners, with a focus on homes adjacent to or nearby the Housing Authority of St. Louis County’s Wellston project.
The Network will also connect RTSTL with other Network members who are also working with elderly homeowners in the area, so they can help identify homeowners who might benefit from RTSTL’s repair work. The initial goal is to repair five homes, with sights set on more in the future.
By investing in the homes of Wellston residents, the Network and RTSTL are investing in the community’s economic future. Homeownership is one of the best ways to build economic mobility, and this partnership will help families in Wellston build equity and improve their financial standing. This will help stabilize the community and ensure that it remains a vibrant and thriving place for generations to come.
Wellston Mayor Nate Griffin praised the work RTSTL has done in the community and looked forward to the organization’s continuing impact.
“Rebuilding Together is doing it right,” Griffin said. “They’re doing it with love, they’re doing it with support. Hopefully in the future they can continue to do more work with another 30 years of working with families in need.”
To learn more about Rebuilding Together St. Louis visit