Appeals training helps Pine Lawn man save money

The Network co-hosted the training for community members
When major floods plagued the St. Louis area in 2022, Pine Lawn resident Robert Harris watched helplessly as four feet of water filled his basement. In the ensuing months and years, he’s tried in vain to fix the long-term problems caused by the flooding, such as mold and erosion.
As expenses piled up and some contractors refused to come out to Pine Lawn, Harris struggled. To make matters even worse, he recently got his property assessment from St. Lous County, which was much higher than Harris expected, especially with how much damage his house had suffered in the flood.
“Next thing you know, you’re getting hit with large bills,” Harris said.
Fortunately for Harris and his Pine Lawn neighbors, the Community Impact Network, Legal Services of Eastern Missouri (LSEM) and the Pine Lawn Restoration Association co-hosted a tax appeal training at Pine Lawn City Hall in April. Harris attended, and with the help of LSEM and the Network’s Community Liaison Brian Krueger, Harris successfully appealed his property assessment to the county and got his assessment cut nearly in half.
Krueger (pictured at left in the photo above) took photos around Harris’ house and helped him organize the photos. Then staff at LSEM helped upload the photos to the County’s appeals system. Harris submitted his appeal via email and heard back relatively quickly. After assessors reviewed the photos and conducted video calls with Harris, they reduced his property assessment.
Harris, 67, said that between putting food on the table and paying for medical bills, he was already stretched thin. This reduction in his property assessment gives him and his family some much-needed breathing room.
The Network hopes to host more trainings like this in the future, and Harris said he’ll strongly encourage his neighbors to attend.